
Posts Tagged ‘media’

JavaFX + Echo Nest

November 11, 2009 6 comments

The Echo Nest provides series of web based solutions for better search, recommendation and interactivity on the music web. The Echo Nest API allows you to call methods that respond in REST style XML. Please refer to API documentation for more information.

They also provide a series of data feeds in various formats. Below application is updated version of DraggableMP3Player sample. Now it gets data from “Found Audio Feed” using JavaFX RssTask APIs.

To launch click on above image or

Type name of artist in TextField and press enter key. It will get the list of songs using Echo Nest feed. Click play to listen to songs! Simple! It will save the last searched artist name using JavaFX Storage APIs.

Note: Most of the media were in MP3 format (not streaming) and hence may take a while to download and play. Please try to incorporate more APIs and write new player..

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